Saturday, November 12, 2011


NamSouth Re-post

by Harriet Cobb Lane

[Note: This was written by Mrs. Lane so that her children's children would
have some idea of their turmoil during the Civil War. This was found in
the attic of an old house near Bentonville, North Carolina, many, many
years ago. The gentleman who purchased the house gave it to me, J.C.
Knowles, Jr., May 1989]

A story giving some of the experiences of the War of 1861-1865 and of the
times when Sherman fought the last battle of the War at Bentonville, North
Carolina, and of the privations of those who lived along the line of its
march in Wayne County, North Carolina.

I am a daughter of Mr. William D. Cobb and wife, Ann Collier. My father
lived on his plantation nine miles from Goldsboro, Wayne County, on the
south side of the Neuse River. He was a stock farmer and did not raise
cotton until the war began in 1861. All southern farmers then raised
cotton to help clothe the Confederate soldiers. We did not approve of
succession, but wanted to fight for States Rights under the flag which
our fathers had fought for.

I was born and reared on the plantation. Before the war, the planters
employed governesses for their children, while young. Then they were sent
to preparatory schools before entering college. My sister and I were sent
to the Misses Nash and Kellock's Preparatory School in Hillsborough,
Orange County, in 1860, and we were there when North Carolina seceded
from the Union, and we helped with some of the other school girls, to
raise the first Confederate Flag over the Court House. North Carolina
seceded May 20th, 1861,

My father gave four sons to the Confederate service. They were among
the first to volunteer when Governor Ellis called for volunteers to defend
the State. My brothers, Col. John P. Cobb, Capt. Bryan W. Cobb, and Dr.
William H.H. Cobb, all volunteered as privates, but were made officers in
the 2nd Regiment of North Carolina State Troops. My brother, Dr. William
H.H. Cobb graduated in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania just in time to get home
and volunteer. At first he was in the 2nd Regiment, but was later
transferred to the 4th Regiment as Assistant Surgeon. My fourth brother,
Rev. Needham B. Cobb was Chaplain of the 4th Regiment; all were first sent
to Fort Steel for a few days, then to Virginia, and fought under Lee. My
brother Needham's health failed the latter part of the war, and he moved
with his family to Raleigh.


  1. Brock:

    Thank you for posting this.

    My biological paternal great great great grandfather, Corporal Jonathan Trueblood, North Carolina 7th Regiment, Confederate Senior Reserves, a unit which usually guarded Union prisoners of war, was at the Battle of Bentonville, and he was listed among the troops who were with General Joseph E. Johnston at his surrender.

    His son, who is also my direct ancestor, William W. Trueblood, went north to Indiana and served in a mounted infantry unit of the Union Army, seeing lots of action.

    After the war, Jonathan Trueblood walked to Illinois where father and son were reunited, and both are now buried.

    Somewhere, I read that there are only two (02) officially documented cases where father and son served on opposite sides during the war.

    I'm going to e-mail the link to this article to my biological siblings (we were all adopted and raised by different families).

    What's really ironic is that I grew up in Spring Lake, North Carolina, only a few miles from where this all took place, but I never knew anything about it.

    A little over a year ago, I did manage to briefly tour the battlefield at Bentonville.

    Thank you.

    John Robert Mallernee
    Armed forces Retirement Home
    Gulfport, Mississippi 39507

  2. Wonderful information and thanks. I assume Trueblood is Indian. What tribe, Lumbee or Cherokee?

  3. Great post. I'm sure Ms. Cobb's story mirrors far to many from Sherman's march. Vile bastards.

  4. Brock:

    John and Agnes Trueblood, who were Quakers, emigrated from London, England to North Carolina in 1682 seeking religious freedom.

    John's father, Arnold Trueblood, had perished in Lincoln Castle's gaol for refusing to pay tithes to the Church of England.

    No, according to my biological genealogy, there's not a drop of American Indian blood in my veins.

    It's all Viking, Anglo-Saxon, and Scottish Highlander.

    My father, who adopted me, was fifty percent Cherokee.

    But, Cherokee law will not recognize my adoption unless I already have Indian blood, which I do not.

    So, my three younger sisters are Cherokee (or are eligible to be), but I am not, and never can be.

    Thank you.

    John Robert Mallernee
    Armed Forces Retirement Home
    Gulfport, Mississippi 39507

  5. Interesting and thanks. Get a transfusion!:)

  6. Thanks Brock

    True grit not sure we still got it. Pisses me off everytime I hear about the great emancipator. Ignorance.. dangerous tool for fed.

