Friday, November 4, 2011

Just the facts on Fast and Furious

Via Sipsey Street Irregulars

In a recent column in The Hill, Lanny Davis (“Let’s Get The Facts Straight On Holder,” October 12, 2011) claimed that Republicans politicized the inquiry into Operation Fast and Furious. Ironically, however, it is charges of partisanship like his that inject party politics where it doesn't belong. He questioned the motives of the Members of Congress involved while at the same time criticizing those members for allegedly questioning the motives of others.

Mr. Davis claimed that there are four “facts” that Republicans making “personal attacks” on Attorney General Holder should know: (1) gunwalking at ATF began “under the George W. Bush administration,” (2) the Attorney General meant only to deny knowing about the “faulty tactics,” (3) the Attorney General can’t be expected to read all of his memos, and (4) law enforcement needs bi-partisan support rather than “political cheap shots.”

Perhaps his search for a distraction is understandable. The facts are so clear that there isn’t much the Department and its defenders can say, other than to lash out and blame the messengers. The fact is that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) encouraged gun dealers to sell assault rifles to known straw purchasers illegally buying on behalf of others.

The fact is that the Justice Department oversaw the operation as ATF literally watched bad guys collect hundreds of guns—week after week—for nearly a year.


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