Monday, November 21, 2011

The New York Times Calls The Obama Deception "An Antigovernment Film"

The Excavator
"It's a bad paper." - Gore Vidal, referring to the New York Times.

"Mr. Chapman, 21, said he had not heard Mr. Ortega talk of taking violent action. But more than a year ago, he recalled, Mr. Ortega and others watched an antigovernment film on the Internet called “The Obama Deception,” which was written, directed and produced by Alex Jones, a Texas-based conservative talk show host who has espoused a number of conspiracy theories involving the federal government." - The New York Times, "White House Shooting Suspect’s Path to Extremism," November 20, 2011.
The Establishment media is at it again: Calling anti-treason speech "anti-government."

The New York Times is using a violent act by a nutcase to demonize the American truth and justice movement, make Alex Jones look bad, and censor political speech.

These lying bastards are getting desperate. They hate the fact that "conspiracy theorists" are truthful, honest, generous, kind, honourable, and peaceful, so they are using every excuse and event to make us look like deranged mental patients.

But, ironically, the only people who are buying their propaganda are deranged mental patients.

The NY Times is the most popular paper in mental hospitals.

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