Friday, December 23, 2011

Make Congress Vote on War on Iran

Returning from Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta dropped some jolting news.

Asked by CBS's Scott Pelley if Iran could have a nuclear weapon in 2012, Panetta replied: "It would probably be about a year before they could do it. Perhaps a little less. But one proviso, Scott, is that if they have a hidden facility somewhere in Iran that may be enriching fuel."

Panetta was saying the mullahs are a year or less away from an atom bomb, and if they have a hidden site for enriching uranium to weapons grade, they may be even closer.

"That is a red line for us," Panetta added. "If we get intelligence they are proceeding with developing a nuclear weapon, then we will take whatever steps necessary to deal with it."

Panetta is raising the specter of pre-emptive war.

When Pelley's report hit, however, the Pentagon immediately began to walk the cat back.


  1. Iran's version of (p)is(s)lam seeks the coming of a musloid-messiah known as the "mahdi" ("MOCK-dee"). They believe he will come when there is sufficient bloodshed and chaos in the world.

    What makes Iran unique is that they believe it's their job to CREATE the chaos and bloodshed!

    So, YES -- if they get a bomb they'll use it on Israel, with the full knowledge of what Israel will do to retaliate. They believe anyone of them who dies in the process gets a non-stop ticket to the biggest orgy in paradise, so they're REALLY not deterred by the thought of MASSIVE retaliation!

    All that said, THIS IS NOT OUR PROBLEM.

    Sorry, but there it is.

    It's long past time we started letting the rest of the world fight its own battles - ESPECIALLY Israel.

    IF you look at the number of dual (israeli) citizens in power-positions in our .gov, it should REALLY give you pause!
