Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Occupier on the Lee Statue Vandalism

Via Douglas

He needs his head straightened.

Sara Michel Tansey is right. There was a one-day vote on mistaking vandalism for violence, pretty much only agreed to so those needing education could get it later and we could hurry up with the march.

And in this case, there wasn't even vandalism. Anything against the shameful statue is civic improvement. It should be commended. I plan on buying a trophy for anyone charged with this act of civic improvement.

Think of it like pulling a weed from the grass at a park. Sure, you're technically killing a plant at a park. But only idiots think you're making the park worse.

Same here, only racists or traitors think that statue should even remain. Props to anyone "improving" this. Improve it like the Berlin Wall was improved, first with spray paint, then more effectively.

I don't think anyone from Occupy would equate 'Occupy' with 'The South' in the analogy, it has it backwards. But as this was likely a teabagger, I will honor even them, as there is nothing you can do to this statue that isn't an improvement. Other than cleaning it...


  1. Ignorance is bliss bitch.

    Kiss my White ass. Do yourself and all your willing lemmings a favor, study the history of this country beyond public education...damn ingrate!!

    Misinformed simpleton.

    My apologee, got a bit out-a-sorts. (Well not really, just wanted to look, you know edgeucated and all)


  2. Agreed.
    A fucking disgrace indeed!

    Dwayne chandler,US Army,soldier, medic, American (black).

  3. "...Same here, only racists or traitors think that statue should even remain..."

    Say that to my face, punk, and I'll knock your teeth down your throat.

  4. I'm over edgeucated from North Carolina schools. Could I get a clear statement as to whether the author of this web-site, which I read daily, agrees with defacing R. E. Lee's statue? Lee was as far from being a racist or a traitor as anyone you can find. I'm afraid this web-site is headed for my trash. Pity. I still have hopes, at 80, that republican government will return to America.

  5. as to whether the author of this web-site, which I read daily, agrees with defacing R. E. Lee's statue?


    You couldn't possibly be referring to Free North Carolina are you.....? I merely posted Brigham's words and commented "He needs his head straightened."

  6. Bob Brigham's page resonates with me. But I'm easy. I like Tea Partiers and Occupiers and Veterans Against the Iraq war, but don't trash the Confederacy if you're within the radius of my right arm and walking stick. I have enough strength left for one swing.

  7. So Brigham needs my help. Thanks. I have only read his site today compared to yours for months. Be kind to the elderly. I'm not even allowed to drive to WNC to visit the graves of my family heroes anymore.

    Keep up the good work. Sorry I was confused.
    The Old North State Forever!

  8. :)

    Here's to the land of the long leaf pine,
    The summer land where the sun doth shine,
    Where the weak grow strong & the strong grow great,
    Here's to "Down Home," the Old North State!

  9. I bet Brigham also hates Tim Tebow with an absolute passion.

  10. But, he wouldn't dare approach him about it.:)

  11. Big mouthed Bob wouldn`t say any of those things to any of our faces either, he`s a typical liberal, all mouth & no balls.
