Saturday, December 3, 2011

Public Schools: Strong on Burping, Lax on Beatings

Godfather Politics

Verbatim Post

What do you get for burping in our public schools today? Well, you know, burping is a serious offense, not some minor infraction. It poses serious danger to the teacher and the other students in class, and in general can lead to irreparable damage. Which means that a boy who burps – obviously, because he wasn’t spotted early enough by the school psychiatrist and ritalined into behaving – must be arrested, hand-cuffed, and sent to a juvenile detention center for correction. That’s what happened to a 13-year-old boy at Cleveland Middle School in Albuquerque, NM. His parents weren’t notified about the arrest until much later; after all, if they sent the boy to a public school, they should have known that they have surrendered him to another authority, so why inform them.

Of course, such measure is expected for a school where some time ago another boy was forced to strip in front of five adults because he had $200 in his pockets. His explanation that he was going shopping after school was rejected; his plea to first call his mother was denied.

And the same school district was sued for handcuffing to a chair a 7-year-old autistic boy.

Well, let’s not judge the public schools too harsh. Sometimes they are lax, when there are some minor violations and no danger to the students is involved. For example, regular harassment and beatings of girls in the bathrooms done with sadistic brutality and even filmed for the enjoyment of other students. Like the case at Ludington Middle School in Detroit where a girl was repeatedly harassed and savagely beaten by other girls. And even filmed. And the school was “cool” about it. After all, of what danger can such beating be to the students? They are just kids, you know.

Like a friend of mine told a co-worker of his when asked about the socialization of his homeschooled children: “Oh, we socialize them alright. We take them to the bathroom once a week, beat them up and take their breakfast money.” The co-worker’s face went pale and she never talked about it again. Later my friend found out that it actually happened to her daughter in first grade; another first-grader cornered her, beat her up and took her breakfast money.

The public school system was started by liberals, it is run by liberals, and the whole ideology behind public education is liberal and socialist to the core. From Horace Mann and John Dewey to our own day, the purpose has never been education. Its purpose has always been to separate children from their families and thus make them blindly obedient to the state. There has never been a scientific or economic foundation of the necessity to have government-run schools – in fact, all the facts have always spoken against it, just like facts in history speak against government-run businesses and economy in general. The inspiration for our modern system of government schools came from one source only: The Communist Manifesto of Karl Marx where a system of government education that takes the children away from their parents is one of the points in the program for Communist takeover of the Western civilization.

And millions of American parents, clueless and negligent about their children’s education and well-being, have freely consented to give their children into the hands of their own enemies.

Of course, many parents are now discovering that such surrender of parental rights comes at a price. And the price is that the schools implement exactly what Communism is all about: Tyrannical power over the children, and encouragement of the basest animal instincts with the goal of turning the children into mindless animals for easier control by the state. Public schools are about government control, and re-education; yes, re-education in the same sense as Hitler’s concentration camps.

Many parents will read about the examples I give above and will comment that the public schools have failed in delivering what they set out to deliver in the first place. But that is incorrect. The fact that the school bureaucrats can do the things described above with impunity, and the fact that the parents are powerless to react and reverse the process means only one thing: that the public schools have been wildly successful in their agenda of establishing their control over the children, and in destroying the legal rights of the parents. The system works, and it delivers exactly what it was meant to deliver: tyranny, oppression, immorality, generational war, and blind servility to the state. It was meant to be a concentration camp, and it is turning into a concentration camp. And every parent that send their children there, is deliberately turning them into inmates.

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