Sunday, February 26, 2012

U.S. crude oil map

Theo Spark
Verbatim Post


- All gas (petrol_ prices are NOT created equal!

This map could be a 'voting' map reflecting conservative-librul (progressive).

LOOK at it for a moment.

This is a map of OIL (gas/petrol).
- It is also a map of Kafkaesque stifling bureaucracy sung to Gilbert & Sullivan.

The Dark GREEN areas are being helped by Canadian crude. The dark RED areas are the most heavily dependent upon foreign/imported crude.

So far, this is the clearest depiction of policy-maker's heads in cranial-rectal defilade I've ever seen.

So let's throw more money in the crapper of Solyndra-esque friends-of-Barry alternate-energy wankers!

Yeah, that'll NOT so work!

- Hey! Why not throw in a few fakey carbon-credits to 'save' the planet while we're at it? Al Gore is standing by the phone to take your pledges right now.

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