Sunday, April 1, 2012

Will It Take Revolution?

“A little matter will move a party, but it must be something great that moves a nation.”—Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1792

In my Constitution Classes I teach that we have four tools on our tool belt for taking back America. Those tools were provided by the Founding Fathers through the instruction booklet for taking back this nation, the United States Constitution.

As we enter Constitution crisis after Constitution crisis with this very dangerous Obama administration, it can be easy to lose sight of the truth. I am an optimist, and it is never too late to turn around a system like ours. . . if we are willing to do what it takes to get it back. It won’t be easy, and it won’t be quick, but it can be done.

Like I tell my students regularly, the way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time.

Education is the key, for how can we use the tools given to us if we don’t even realize they exist? Then, when educated, the populace can work to create what needs to be done to take back this nation. Eventually, it all comes to a tipping point, and the cockroaches in Washington have no choice but to listen, and once again become obedient to the Constitution, and servants to the people and the States.

The four tools, with the one that ties in with the title of this piece at the end, are as follows:

More @ CFP


  1. Thanks. Now, if we could get every "teacher' to think like him........

  2. The last paragraph of the article...absolute truth.

    It would be so much easier if people would read history, and apply it to their place and time. Unfortunately, America has grown soft and illiterate to history.

  3. Gentleman,he is telling us nothing we don't already know! When will enough be Taught to reach said tipping point? This is no longer taught in schools! Who will learn it except a few children of modern patriots? They are coming for our arms and our Liberty's Will we step on the Green and stop them? I am afraid by the time we are READY it shall already be too late!


  4. History? Nothing before 1865 from what I've read in some schools. Pathetic.

  5. I don't find any credibility with people who claim to be authorities on the Constitution and then repeatedly make statements regarding how bad Obama is towards the Consttution.
    Really, now, many so called conservatives and most of the GOP has WRITTEN andpassed most of the unconstitutional garbage that Obama has signed plus all the stuff they passed for Bush.
    THEY are all bad

  6. 99% of government is bad. Ron Paul is the only possible salvation before blood is running in the streets.
