Saturday, May 19, 2012

Threat: I Wanna Make You A Hero – a.k.a. Here Come the Drones Here Come the Drones!

I’ve been prompted by quite a few e-mails asking about my ideas on countering drones. I was going to hold off on this entry for a while longer but I’ll go ahead and get it out of the way and give you a little break from defensive theory to throw some TTPs out. What are presented here are for educational purposes only and I do not condone illegal behavior. With that out of the way let’s get down to business.

In one of the Threat entries I mentioned air superiority and the fact that as violent organizations gain technology they will no doubt employ drones to gather target information and conduct surveillance along with coordinating attacks. Currently civilian drone tech is chasing almost directly in line with military tech so what I’m going to do here is write what I know about – tactical small unmanned aerial systems or as we like to call ‘em drones. Their civilian counterparts are such an ideal surrogate that the technology addressed will definitely work against the civvie copies. This article focuses on smaller unmanned aerial platforms. Larger ones that fly several thousand feet in the air and carry payloads similar to aircraft aren’t going to be as effected by any active measures you take however in many instances the passive measures I mentioned will help. Just remember that larger drones employ things like synthetic aperture radar and other complex detection capabilities (google Gorgon Stare to see what I’m referring to).

There are a number of ways to defeat drone technology.

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