Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Beheading in Berlin

Gates of Vienna

Cultural Enrichment News

There was a report in last night’s news feed about a man in Berlin who murdered his wife and threw her severed head from the roof deck of an apartment building. It’s no surprise that none of the MSM stories mentioned the ethnicity of the murderer, but given the nature of the crime, the presence of cultural enrichment wasn’t hard to guess.

Our German correspondent Tiedar sends further details about the incident, which was even more gruesome than yesterday’s reports indicated. Readers who are sensitive to descriptions of grotesque brutality are advised not to read below the jump.

According to Tiedar:
The article reported a killing and a dismembered corpse in Berlin Kreuzberg (Kreuzberg is a part of Berlin). A 32-year-old man (Orhan S.) was on the roof deck with two knives in front of him where lay his beaten wife (Sema S.), and behind the windows his children could be seen. He held the two knives, shouted “Allahu akhbar”, cut off the woman’s head, and threw it into the yard.

The police confirm only that the corpse had been cut into pieces. Residents said that she was very tolerant because her husband had a mistress in the building complex, and had two children with her. His wife had often forgiven him.

A few days ago she threw her unfaithful husband out, and that might have been her death penalty, someone on the third floor said.

The police don’t comment on the rumor that her husband was taking drugs or mentally ill, but many people try to lead the murder back to this rumor, because otherwise no one would be able to commit such a crime.

In the comment section there is a comment that hits the mark:
“[…] Sie scheinen aber Blind zu sein wenn sie die ganzen Beziehungs- und Ehrenmorde sowie die Herkunft der Täter/Opfer totschweigen wollen. Das löst keine Probleme. Wenn etwas mit Rechtem Hintergrund oder auch nur Verdacht geschieht ist das Geschrei sofort riesig. Gibt es wieder mal Massenhetzen von Migranten oder Angriffe auf die Polizei wird weggeschaut, gerade von der Mainstreampresse. Da muss man sich in lokalen Zeitungen einlesen. Traurig sowas.”

“You might be blind if you want to hush up all the relational- and honour-killings as well as the origin of perpetrator/victim. This doesn’t solve the problems. If something bad happens involving people a with right-wing background, or if there is only a suspicion, there is a lot of yelling. But if there is mass predation by migrants or attacks on the police the mainstream press look the other way. You have to read it in the local newspaper. It’s a pity.”
In another source it’s reported that as his wife lay on the roof deck Orhan cut into her throat, carved her face, and removed her right breast. While doing so he shouted “Allahu akhbar”. A neighbour said that not only her head was in the background, but also her breast was there.

His relationship with another women is described thus: He had two children with an Iranian woman named Leyla. Sema (the victim) wanted to separate after so much harm and pain. According to a friend, Sema was pregnant, but this couldn’t be confirmed by a CAT Scan.


  1. ...and they call us savages. Pass the ammo please.
    Miss Violet

  2. Oh, and good morning Brock. : )
    Miss V

  3. :) Really and a good morning to you!
