Friday, June 15, 2012


The Moneychanger

On 15 June 1215 in Runnymede, England the bishops & barons of England, fed up with King John's oppression, asserted their ancient rights and forced him to sign the Magna Carta or Great Charter of Liberties. Once widely understood and protected as the foundation of all English & American liberty, few today know the rights it guaranteed and tyrannies it forbade or that it ended arbitrary government. Today most of these liberties have, as a practical matter, been lost. They include:

* Freedom of the Church

* Freedom from arbitrary search or seizure without due process. Nearly dead, thanks to the Patriot acts and other tyrannies.

* Justice shall not be sold.

* Freedom to travel. Y'all don't have this, do you? You do have driver's "licenses" (permits), don't you? You do submit to search -- even strip search -- to board an airplane, right? Or maybe they don't do that where y'all are.

Yet whatever tyrannies the government practices, by ancient right and inheritance the rights secured by Magna Carta are still ours. They may be stolen, but they can never lawfully be taken from us. *We may be overpowered, but we can never be conquered.

*Reminds me of my mother's words.

Confederate Memorial Day-05, 10, 1911 (

"We were overpowered - never whipped."

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