Some folks have made it clear they'd have handled the situation differently than did Trainer when he was approached by LEO.
Fair enough. But, consider this: Would you really rather they came heavy at 0430 when you are in bed with your wife and the kids are scattered around the house in different bedrooms?
Do not be afraid to look your enemies in the eye at CQB range, folks. If they simply want to talk, why not talk? Why remove that option from the table and force them into tactical gear when all they really want to do at this time is talk to you?
I have direct experience that may be relevant.
It has been my direct experience that when FedGov (especially) comes to you in such a manner, with empty hands and in a sport coat, they are truly offering you a warning and an opportunity to avoid something that may be worse.
The Feds are not in the habit of telling you that they are going to sneak up on you.
If you run a group, or are part of a "Patriot Group" and you are peacefully approached by LEO, it would be my immediate suspicion that FedGov has “something” on someone in your sphere of influence. It may be aggressive rhetoric, it may be Google searches for bad things on the net, it could be an attempt to buy something prohibited, it could even be so severe as one of your men (or someone they hold dear) has been pinched and is flipping to earn a plea, and will say almost anything to get that plea.
While it could also simply be a Psyop from FedGov to start dissension in your ranks, I tend to dismiss this option.
As I say: I have personal experience that when they come to you and talk, it is because they have taken the decision to try to avoid a confrontation. There “are” some folks on the “Other Side” with a conscience, or at least with an agenda that does not include flashbangs.
Look hard at your people and the people about whom they care. If you get a whiff, a simple tingle of doubt whispering to your brain about anyone, cut them out or at least compartmentalize them.
Not that you haven’t already played these realities over in your mind a thousand times, but I also know that as Humans we tend to over-ride our instincts when it comes to people who are close to us. We try to explain away “little things” that in retrospect you may recognize as warning signs.
Never forget: As easily as they coordinated "Interviews" with Trainer and his crew, they could have coordinated tactical raids at each location at 0430. If that is what they wanted, they'd have done it.
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