Friday, September 7, 2012

Axelrod Sought to Intimidate Gallup When Findings Favored Romney

Emails between senior officials of the Gallup Organization show senior Obama campaign adviser David Axelrod attempting to subtly intimidate the polling firm when its numbers were unfavorable to the president.

After Gallup declined to change its polling methodology, the U.S. Department of Justice hit it with an unrelated lawsuit — alleging it had defrauded the government, The Daily Caller reports.

And, weeks after announcing its filing of the lawsuit, the agency that is headed by Attorney General Eric Holder has yet to officially serve Gallup.

“We have not been served with the complaint,” a senior Gallup official told The Daily Caller. “I think they are drafting an amended complaint, but we cannot file an answer or motion to dismiss until we’ve been officially served.

“We obviously have a copy that has been distributed online, but until it is served, it is not official,” the Gallup official said.

Justice Department officials did not respond to queries from The Daily Caller regarding the lawsuit.

As for the emails, Axelrod tweeted in April that a poll showing Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney with a 48-43 percent lead over Obama was “saddled with some methodological problems,” The Daily Caller reports.

As such, Axelrod directed his Twitter followers to read a report in the National Journal criticizing Gallup polls that showed Romney ahead.

More @ Newsmax


  1. We are governed by thugs, not by legitimate law. Hence when the wee-wee'd up hand wringing starts about, "Oh No's, Obama is going to (Insert ox to gore here) if he gets re-selected. That is why you have to vote for the fraud Mittens to replace the fraud Obama."

    How about treating the illegitimate thugs to a heapin' helpin' of just not NO, but HELL NO.

    Like the man said; "'Tis the cause, not the fate of the cause that is glorious."

    Are we Americans or a we Russian serfs...

    1. "'Tis the cause, not the fate of the cause that is glorious."

      Yes, Sir.
