Friday, September 21, 2012

GOA continues pressing its suit against ATF in court

The long-awaited Inspector General's report on the Fast and Furious scandal in out, and most of the news media are breathlessly clearing Attorney General of any wrongdoing.

But as GOA's Larry Pratt summarized in one interview: "The wolf has reported from the chicken coop that there's nobody here but us chickens."  (
Click here to see the interview in its entirety.)

The obviously self-serving, 471-page report:

* Takes the words of the people it is supposed to be objectively investigating at face value
* Presents evidence that shows Holder should have known about Fast and Furious much earlier than he claims -- then ignores that evidence
* Allows the White House to walk away scot-free from the investigation without providing ANY documents which might tie the Oval Office to the scandal
* Ignores demonstrable, gross incompetence of high-level Justice Department employees

The hope of the Obama administration, of course, is that this issue will now be put to rest and not be an issue in the election.  And conveniently, the report came out just one day before Congress recessed until after the November elections, so we won't be hearing much from Congress over the next six weeks.

But GOA agrees with the words of Edmund Burke that "all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."  So we will not allow this issue to be swept under the rug.

Gun Owners has filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District for D.C., and we will continue to press that suit to compel the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) to produce thousands of pages of documents it is still withholding (the Inspector General report notwithstanding).

GOA will continue to conduct interviews and participate in "townhall" meetings across the country to make sure voters are aware that the Fast and Furious scandal is far from settled and that those responsible for knowingly allowing firearms to get into the hands of some of the most dangerous criminals in the world must be brought to justice.

You can read GOA's in-depth analysis of the IG report by clicking here

And please consider a generous contribution to Gun Owners as we fight this battle in the courts, the media, and on the campaign trail


  1. I'm a LIfe member of GOA. Larry Pratt is one of the most staunch supporters of the Second Amendment anywhere in the world.

    As much as I respect David Codrea and Mike Vanderboegh for breaking the Fast and Furious story, I didn't need a degree in rocket science to know the system would not allow those responsible to suffer any consequences for their actions.

    Hopefully there are still a few judges in the Federal court system who have not been appointed by either Obama or Clinton, and GOA will be able to pry out a bit more information. We will never see Holder or anyone else near the top pay for the hundreds of deaths they caused by running this scam here and in Mexico, though.

  2. We will never see Holder or anyone else near the top pay for the hundreds of deaths they caused by running this scam here and in Mexico, though.

    Though I'm sure you would be happy to be proven wrong!:)
