Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A Move to Block United Nations Poll Watchers from Operating in Alabama

Via Don
 Alabama House Speaker Mike Hubbard

In response to news that poll watchers affiliated with the United Nations will be sent across the country to monitor balloting in various states and search for evidence of “voter suppression” during the upcoming November 6 presidential election, Speaker of the House Mike Hubbard said he will support legislation in the next session requiring all poll watchers in Alabama to hold U.S. citizenship.

“The United States is the worldwide beacon of free elections and the Republican form of government, so having an international squad from the United Nations playing referee in our elections is insulting and absurd,” Hubbard said. “We’ve been holding elections in the U.S. for the past 223 years without the United Nations playing a role or enforcing the rules, and we certainly don’t want or need them now.


  1. If I had a UN delegate at my polling place, I think I'd have to tell them to get out of my country, and if they're US citizens, tell them to get a new country.

  2. Brother asked me if I was voting early. Told him no, I wanted to harass the UN pukes.
    I will never vote early again after the R primary in 2008. Voted for Fred (Thompson, not Reed) only to have him drop out a couple of weeks later. I remain convinced that is the reason we ended up with McCain. All my fault. Wasted vote.

    1. I always vote absentee or early and as lily white as this area is, I doubt if the UN will be here.

  3. I wonder if the UN poll police will be evenly distributed, or if they will be concentrated in States which still have to get their maps approved by Big Sister under the VRA.

    Damn carpetbaggers.

    1. Tell them to go watch the brave Black Panthers. What a joke they are. Remember this picture? http://tinyurl.com/8hgq4th Pathetic.
