Thursday, December 6, 2012

Emails/Voicemails: You can't take them back

Via A Trainwreck In Maxwell



  1. I knew we were dealing with a psycho bitch less than three minutes into this.

    Funny thing is, dude found out what a nut-job his girlfriend was without ever saying a word.

    Finally...dude is a bitch himself.

    "Careful when you date passionate people, because passion swings both ways."

    This dude is a modern day metro-sexual, or maybe even a full blown fairy.

    "Passionate people?"

    Please. You mean 'crazy motherfuckers,' right?

    Bitch is nuts, but she's good in the, lay some pipe, and when she gets really crazy, drop her like a hot rock. Big deal.


    "When you go to Europe for two weeks, leave your phone on."

    Bullshit. No real (unmarried) young man goes to Europe for two weeks and leaves his phone on so his psycho girlfriend back in the states can contact him and bother him.



    (If this commentary was offensive or bothered anyone, I am sorry and Brock will delete it!)


  2. modern day metro-sexual

    :) Didn't think of that.
