Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Piers Morgan on Domestic Thermonuclear War

Via Don

Good Lord.  Go back from where you came and don't bother us anymore.  Idiot.


Hattip to Jim Treacher.  CNN talking head Piers Morgan, desperately trying to hold on to any shreds of credibility after his shellacking by Ben Shapiro, emitted this email:

America has over 5000 nuclear warheads. Quite hard to defend against a ‘tyrannical U.S. government’ with that kind of firepower.

Where to begin?

First, it is unlikely that even the most mad US President would decide to use nukes to put down a rebellion in these United States.  Too many of his own supporters would be killed and the overall reaction would likely be for the rebellion to grow as a result of his action.

Second, a wide spread rebellion in the United States would likely have the sympathy of factions within the US military, if not their active support.  The order to nuke Americans might lead to an active revolt by the military.

Third, in the event of a widespread rebellion, the rebels would probably quickly have nukes of their own.  In the case of Obama, most ICBMs and tactical nukes are located on bases in Red states.

Morgan also indicated that it would be impossible for the US government to ever be a tyranny.  The Founding Fathers did not think so.  Daniel Webster, perhaps the greatest statesman in the generation that followed the Founding Fathers, summed up their wisdom in a speech on March 15, the Ides of March, 1837:

Good intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption of authority. It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters.

The Founding Fathers, in all they did, struggled to pass on the blessings of liberty to their posterity.  Ensuring that the American people would remain, in the words of a British officer during the Revolution, “a people numerous and armed”, was one part of the safeguards that they gave us against tyranny.  That Mr. Morgan, a newcomer to these shores, does not understand this is to be expected.  That more than a few Americans join him in his ignorance is a shame for our time.


  1. He just wants his name in the news.
    Ignore him.

  2. To ignore him, I fear would be a mistake. He has at his disposal a venue that reaches a particular audience. His viewpoint is skewed, his bombastic delivery is typical of someone desperate to be listened too. Unfortunately people do listen to this blowhard, so being aware off gis

    1. so being aware of what this British import says over the airwaves is unfortunately necessary.

    2. I read what these liberals say, but can't stand to listen or view.

  3. The comment's here were exactly what I was thinking, but I'll go one step further, we should stop writing about his stupid remarks too. If we just completely ignore and stop writing about him hopefully he will just fade away. I think they higher ups on that show figure any publication of anything he says as good publicly, so since we, as bloggers, are the only one's mentioning him, we should stop and completely make him irrelevant .....................
