Wednesday, February 20, 2013

McCain on gun control: Most of the Senate will support universal background checks

Via Horace



No surprise but newsworthy insofar as I think this is the first time a Republican as prominent as McCain has talked openly about some new form of gun control passing Congress. If you’re not sure what he means when he refers to the plan Coburn and Schumer are working on, read this. They’re going to close the “gun-show loophole” but carve out exceptions for family transfers and maybe for people who’ve already been vetted for concealed carry. How many votes will there be for that? 

Well, they’ll start at 58: Coburn and Mark Kirk are part of the group that’s working on a compromise bill and McCain’s already hinting that he’s a yes, so add those three to the Democrats’ 55 (no Dem would dare oppose a measure that might complicate Obama’s “Republican obstructionism” message on gun control). Collins and Murkowski are always gimmes on big bipartisan initiatives too, so there you go — 60 votes for cloture, although there’s bound to be many, many more than that. 

More @  Hot Air


  1. McCain=Big 'ole bag full of statist, traitorous, shit. Too bad the commies didn't finish that miserable sob off.
    Miss Violet

    1. What a change has come over him. Just appalling.

    2. Too bad the citizens of Arizona didn't finish off McCain last election. The NV commies loved his canary-singing ass as much as the morons of Arizona love his traitorous, RINO ass.

      To hell with McCain and Arizonans.

    3. Let's at least pray the Arizonans can be saved, but McCain is surely beyond hope.

  2. Mr. McLame as with Grand Poobah , his royal highness , Lord John Kerry ( real name Kuhn ) Esq. has married into BIG money and in doing so has become what Gerald Celente refers to as a member of " The White Shoe Boy's ". Therefore to gain the acceptance of his peer's , he must act the part. Inside the D.C. beltway at the palace of Versallies , the orgies continue .( for now ! ).

  3. McCain was a traitorous piece of scum when he was a resident of the Hanoi Hilton. His fellow PoWs have little use for him. Never forget he conspired in secret with leftist Carl Levin, D-MI to write the National Defense Authorization Act sections that would destroy American's right to due process; successfully destroying the 4th & 5th Amendments.

    But while I bad-mouth McCain let me remind readers that former conservative congressman J.C. Hayworth challenged McTraitor for his senate seat. Arizona citizens chose long-term incumbent McCain over Hayworth. If not for the flaming assholes who kept McTraitor in power we wouldn't be dealing with his RINO crap today.

    To hell with the people of Arizona....for they have screwed more than J.D. Hayworth. May Arizonans rot in hell.

  4. The people of Arizona need to get rid of this traitor one way or the other.



    1. I'm wondering if he would have done less damage as P.
