Friday, March 1, 2013

How Do You Reconcile This?

Via NC Renegade


The portion of the population who support abortions (53 million and counting) are also the same people who are attacking the second amendment and want gun control legislation. As Obama put it: if even one life can be saved, Congress should act against gun violence.

How do you reconcile genocide by abortion on one hand with passing gun control legislation to “save lives” on another hand? You don’t. Both have the same end result: genocide.


  1. This truly touched my heart. Excellent post..............indeed

    1. Agreed all, but the Collectivists purposely don't understand the glaring hypocrisy. The useful fools will though, when they are no longer needed.

  2. As I told my extremely liberal, agnostic, vegetarian cousin who wouldn't come eat dinner at my house b/c she might be accidentally served meat, I said, "You believe in saving the whales, but you believe it is OK to murder a human being." She had nothing else to say and I have not spoken to her since. That was 6 yrs ago.

    1. You believe in saving the whales, but you believe it is OK to murder a human being." She had nothing else to say and I have not spoken to her since. That was 6 yrs ago.

      Well said and you are fortunate not to have to deal with her anymore.:)
