Tuesday, May 7, 2013

NC PATCON: If Not Never, Then When?


So the Spring NC PatCon was a huge success.  My brother in my tribe and I drove 12 hours from Pennsyltucky to Tarboro, NC on Thursday so that we could be there Friday for the TCCC class on Friday.  Needless to say, we got in at midnight set up camp, had some beers, laughed about stupid stuff all while under the canopy of twinkling stars and cackling coyotes off in the distance.  We went to bed at about 3 a.m. and at about 5:30 a.m. the picture above let us know once again who is boss on the property.  If its your first time on the property and you have never heard a peacock, I can guarantee that when you do and its dark, you would swear someone is being murdered. 

We woke up, crawled out of our tents, and made some coffee on the gel stove to go with our pecan rolls we brought.  Some of the others came over to say good morning.  Some were familiar faces and some were new.  Class was to start at 0900, so we had about an hour to wake up with some crunchy coffee.  SFMedic lead the charge with starting the class.  We were scheduled to be in class from 0900 to 1800.

We were truly blessed to have a trauma nurse as well as two other doctors in our class.


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