Wednesday, July 10, 2013

“This Is Who We Are”


Paul Weston, standing in front of Salisbury Cathedral, talks about the origins of British culture, Western Civilization, and the collaboration of the Left with Islamic fundamentalists with the aim of destroying Britain.

Paul Weston is a British-based writer who focuses on the damage done to Western Civilisation by the hard left’s ongoing cultural revolution, which seeks to destroy the Christian, capitalist and racial base of the West. He is the leader of Liberty GB, his website may be found here, and his political Facebook page here.

For links to his previous essays, see the Paul Weston Archives.


  1. Wow. Some massive Truth to Power here, from an unabashed Anglophile. I can just hear the sphincters of the Progressive Elites and Mooselimbs spasming at the thought of saying these things.

    I think I may start using this video (poor audio and all) as my own personal litmus test. People who begin nodding as they watch it are okay. All the rest get scraped off like dog poo from the bottom of my shoe.

    1. I can just hear the sphincters of the Progressive Elites and Mooselimbs spasming at the thought of saying these things.

      I think I may start using this video (poor audio and all) as my own personal litmus test. People who begin nodding as they watch it are okay. All the rest get scraped off like dog poo from the bottom of my shoe.

