Saturday, November 9, 2013

Senator McConnell

Via Bearing Arms

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Whenever he's not busy pandering to DC lobbyists, I welcome Sen. McConnell to come shoot with me at the range any day…
1:20 PM Nov 8th


  1. She is a radical left wing Obama worshiper(HARD left democrat) who publicly supported the AWB (so did Mitch) She supports Obamacare-Reinstating the AWB--Mag bans-and welfare for all. She is running for office in DC because her chances at the Gov. or Lt.Gov's. office are effectively zero. You think Mitch is bad? Get this ditz elected and you have a hillbilly Finestein . Trust me we in Ky. DON'T want HER for the Senate any more than we want Mitch.

    1. Wow , you'd never think so with what I posted. Thanks.

  2. As a KY resident (serf). I agree with annon's assessment of Ms. Grimes. There is however, an opponent running against Sen, Yellowbelly in the primary. I will vote foe anyone but Mitch. He has consistently rolled over and kissed Obumma's ass. What ever happened to representing your constituents?

  3. Support for AIPAC...that is what happened. No politico ever told the truth or he'd be dead. All the gun control freaks are in the same tribe.
