Wednesday, November 6, 2013

White racists more likely to be gun owners: study

Via avordvet


Are gun ownership and racism linked?

Researchers have found that the more racist beliefs held by a white person, the more likely the person is to own a gun — conclusions that have rankled gun rights advocates.

A team led by Kerry O'Brien, of Monash University in Australia and The University of Manchester in the United Kingdom, examined white Americans’ negative perceptions about blacks and compared the rates of both gun ownership and opposition to gun control to discover the correlations.

Researchers based their conclusions on the results of a multiple-choice questionnaire that measured responses to a series of statements about attitudes toward black people. The more strongly a person agreed with a statement, the more points they accumulated.

The total points were then averaged to come up with a score between one and five that determined “symbolic racism.” Researchers found that the more points a person accumulated, the greater their chances of owning a gun and of opposing gun control.


  1. I wonder how they'd stitch together the facts that blacks are remarkably disproportionally UNARMED compared to the rest of America AND that blacks are the most racist population?
    I also bet a donut that the "study" isn't an sociological, academically sound study.

    1. I also bet a donut that the "study" isn't an sociological, academically sound study.

      Not a doubt in my mind.

  2. Hi, I am a gun owner, and I am doing a study to determine if studies done by biased academics produce stupid results. There is a second component to my study, and that is "Are all academics dumb fucks"....The results are exactly what you would expect...

    1. Heh!:) Agreed, except for a few stalwarts like Patrick Henry University.

  3. I have no doubts that this study is more or less correct, or at least showed a trend which really exists:
    bad people tend to have more guns then anyone else.

    My message **NOT** to you, but to Washington Times:
    What's your point?
    I don't mind that anyone owns a gun, unless that person works for the .GOV: then, I do have a problem with him.
    If you afraid that someone you don't like (or worse: someone who doesn't like YOU) has a gun, my advice: buy a gun, learn how to use, and shut the fuck up.
    Oh, and if you did this study so as to prove that **I** need to be disarmed, then - fuck you. Come and get it. Seriously. I am already so pissed off at you and your ilk that I almost WANT you to try it.

  4. Pirate Morgan, Admitted Racist and Gun Owner Come get me.

  5. What an academic study from the UK that shows white gun owners are racist! I am shocked I tell, just shocked! .
    SSDD; heard all before, all whites by the very nature of being white are racist, and so racist that every damn thing they think, do or not do, say or not say is racist. All whites are so racist that they don't even know that they are racist 100% of the time.

    I'd like to see those "scholars" spend a week in such fun spots as downtown Chicago or Detroit so they could see how utterly non-racist all those "people of color" are.

    1. I'd like to see those "scholars" spend a week in such fun spots as downtown Chicago or Detroit so they could see how utterly non-racist all those "people of color" are.

      That would do it. :)
