Saturday, December 7, 2013

Brain-dead: Looking Back: 68% Viewed Mandela Favorably

Rasmussen Reports asked Americans in February 2011 how they viewed then-92-year-old Nelson Mandela as he faced an earlier health crisis. Most Americans held the iconic South African leader who died Thursday in high regard. A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 68% of American Adults shared a favorable opinion of Mandela, with 25% who viewed him Very Favorably. Twenty percent (20%) regarded Mandela unfavorably, but that included just six percent (6%) with a Very Unfavorable opinion. Twelve percent (12%) were undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)


  1. I think the important question here is not why the global mass media have tried to turn a sociopathic, Marxist terrorist and mass murderer into a saint--that is, after all, what they do-- but why so many people, with easy access to gigabytes of information to the contrary, choose to delude themselves so badly. What darkness lurks in the soul of so many people that makes them want to believe that a monster is a hero and a liberator?

    1. Scared to death of being called a racist I imagine! :) Just silliness, as my mother would say.
