Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Vandals in Georgia

Mrs. Mary S. Mallard in Her Journal [1864, Liberty County, Georgia]

“Monday, December 19th.   Squads of Yankees came all day, so that the servants scarcely had a moment to do anything for us out of the house. The women, finding it unsafe for them to be out of the house at all, would run in and conceal themselves in our dwelling. The few remaining chickens and some sheep were killed. These men were so outrageous at the Negro houses that the Negro men were obliged to stay at their houses for the protection of their wives; and in some instances, they rescued them from the hands of these infamous creatures.

Tuesday, December 20th. A squad of Yankees came soon after breakfast. Hearing there was one yoke of oxen left, they rode into the pasture and drove them up…needing a chain…they went to the well and took it from the well bucket. Mother went out and entreated them not to take it from the well, as it was our means of getting water. They replied: “You have no right to have even wood or water,” and immediately took it away.

Wednesday, December 21st. 10 A.M.  Six of Kilpatrick’s cavalry rode up, one of them mounted on Mrs. Mallard’s valuable gray named Jim. They looked into the dairy and empty smokehouse, every lock having been broken and doors wide open day and night. They searched the servants’ houses; then the thundered at the door of the dwelling. Mother opened it, when one of them presented a pistol to her breast and demanded why she dared keep her house closed, and that “he be damned if he would not come into it.”

She replied, “I prefer to keep my house closed because we are a helpless and defenseless family of women and children.” He replied, “I’ll be damned if I don’t just take what I want. Some of the men got wine here, and we must have some.” She told them her house had been four times searched in every part, and everything taken from it. And recognizing one who had been of the party that had robbed us, she said:

“You know my meal and everything has been taken.” 
He said, “We left you a sack of meal and that rice.”

Mother said, “You left us some rice; but out of twelve bushels of meal you poured out a quart or so upon the floor---as you said, to keep us from starving.”

Upon one occasion one of the men as he sat on the bench in the piazza had his coat buttoned top and bottom, and inside we could plainly see a long row of stolen breast jewelry---gallant trophies, won from defenseless women and children at the South to adorn the persons of their mothers, wives, sisters, and friends in Yankeeland!”

(The War the Women Lived, Walter Sullivan, J.S. Sanders & Company, 1995, pp. 238-239)

Merry Christmas from the North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission!   “Unsurpassed Valor, Courage and Devotion to Liberty”


  1. And any men present were often buried to keep them from being shot or hung. Only to be dug up when the animals departed. Hopefully, still alive.

    This is why I couldn't have cared less about the people lost on 911. They earned it. But then, that was way over our pay grade. I just wonder if karma (or the ghosts of the South), which no man controls, considers that as payment-in-full. Or if more will yet befall the North. And I'm not even superstitious! Jesus addressed this in his sermon on the mount.

    (See chapter 5, in the book Sermon on the Mount by Emmet Fox)

  2. My Great-great grandmother valiantly attempted to protect her home and children from Sherman's bummers while living near Marietta. However, a squad of six took everything that was eatable from her house. They even took her bed-covers and quilts. The only thing they did not take was meat from a hog that had been slaughtered earlier in the day and hidden in a well. She pleaded for the yankee soldiers to spare her food so her children could be fed in the coming months, but her cries were in vain as the invaders stripped her house while her man was gone to war.

  3. Payment in full would be difficult for me to determine, that's for sure. You might enjoy this story:
