Monday, December 16, 2013

Dr. Massaro

Via The Lonely Libertarian


  1. Just how is this idiot supposed to know if a patienbt's insurance was obtained through the ACA? It's absolutely incredible how many mindless lemmings who believe this sh*t.

    1. He'll certainly find out if he makes the mistake, because he'll get but a small portion of his fee in most cases. Just like CHAMPVA.

    2. Bullshit. If a person gets his insurance through the ACA it will pay the same as if he gets it through his employer. The ACA is a FREE MARKET system developed by the HERITAGE FOUNDATION.

    3. OK, wise ass, tell me what you know about CHAMPVA.

    4. I was able to get my wife and kids health insurance through the ACA, which is simply a conduit to the FREE MARKET (I thought Conservatives loved the Free Market?) ... Their policy is from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas and costs only $154 per Month ,,,,, Last year I dropped them from my policy through United Health Care which was costing us $12,500 per Year which we simply could no longer afford....So yah, I'm currently saving $11,000 Per Year because of the ACA .... Haters, suck on that!

    5. Right....... You conveniently didn't answer my question about CHAMPVA and I believe you are a troll for your butt buddy Obama, so either send me the documentation for what you state or go troll elsewhere. If you do send me proper documentation, I will post it, but it's all BS, I believe.

  2. This is fake. This guy doesn't exist. I've searched all over the net and can't find any Dr. Massaro that matches this picture.

    1. I found a few and this could be him.

    2. I found this too. He is also a plastic surgeon which deals mostly with cash customers anyways!

    3. :) Smart man. He obviously excels at his profession.

    4. Why would anyone let a doctor this stupid cut their toenails? If he doesn't know Obamacare isn't an insurance, then he's pretty stupid.

    5. I'd say he's pretty stupid if he actually believes there's such a thing as Obamacare insurance. That's just plain dumb.

    6. It's insurance that pays less than what was previously considered normal. If you would like to continue to try and add something constructive to the conversation, please do, but if not, go troll elsewhere.

  3. This means this particular doctor has not signed an agreement with carriers of the new plans. That is why he would make this statement. This way patients are not surprised after seeing the doctor and hooked with paying for the visits out of their own pockets. I have the new plan and already ran across this issue. Fortunately I asked and discovered the issue prior to seeing the doctor. I would have owed $150 for the visit. I would appreciate a sign like this anywhere my new plan is not accepted. All in how you choose to look at the statement.

    1. . Fortunately I asked and discovered the issue prior to seeing the doctor. I would have owed $150 for the visit. I would appreciate a sign like this anywhere my new plan is not accepted. All in how you choose to look at the statement.


  4. his name is bruce and he's located in Wisconsin.

  5. Every state has their own cute catchy name for the new programs created with the extra money for medicaid expansion. CHAMPVA is just the name VA gave theirs. The State of VA has complete control over how they manage those funds. If doctors in your state are having a problem with payments then I would suggest that it is a problem that the Republican run VA legislature created. They don't like the ACA and they are going to do all they can to keep it from working. You should look at all the doctors in Kentucky and see what they are saying. Or, any of the blue states that are trying to make it work. There is no difference in the insurance you get through your employer and the insurance you get through medicaid now. You doctor only knows the catchy name as an indication that you are receiving assistance paying your premium. The plans all pay doctors exactly the same no matter who pays the premium.

    1. CHAMPVA is just the name VA gave theirs.

      CHAMPVA is only available to family members of 100% disabled service related veterans and has nothing to due with "the new programs created with the extra money for medicaid expansion." Obamacare does not pay the same as the average insurance paid before the changes. I have a friend who is a physician in New Jersey and she states that she will probably have to quit her practice and go farm in Virginia because of the new changes.

      To be eligible for CHAMPVA, you cannot be eligible for TRICARE, and you must be in one of these categories:

      The spouse or child of a Veteran who has been rated permanently and totally disabled for a service-connected disability by a VA regional office.
      The surviving spouse or child of a Veteran who died from a VA-rated service-connected disability.
      The surviving spouse or child of a Veteran who was at the time death rated permanently and totally disabled from a service-connected disability.
      The surviving spouse or child of a military member who died in the line of duty, not due to misconduct (in most of these cases, these family members are eligible for TRICARE, not CHAMPVA).
