Thursday, January 30, 2014


GRNC High Risk Restaurant alerts enable you to identify restaurants, theaters and other assemblies for which admission is charged that post signs prohibiting concealed carry. It is important that you report posted restaurants, contact listed merchants to let them know why you are unable to patronize their businesses, and register your opinion on social media networks and review sites.

In particular, we ask that you contact the "focus merchant" listed below. We also ask that you take the listed steps to leave comments on website forms, social media such as Facebook and Twitter, and review sites such as Yelp and TripAdvisor.

Below the Focus Merchant information, you'll also find a complete list of High-Risk Restaurants and Theaters. Review the list for merchants in  your city, and let them know you don't appreciate the anti-gun political statement they are making as part of their business model. Respectfully tell them that as long as they are posted against Conceal Handgun Permit-Holders, you're happy to take your dollars elsewhere; somewhere that is safer, somewhere where your rights are respected.

Below the High-Risk Restaurant list, you'll also find a "Welcome Back" list. These are the restaurants and venues that, after hearing from GRNC supporters like you, elected to remove their anti-gun signs, and return to the freedom-friendly side. E-mail or stop in and thank these merchants, but do not post on social networking or review sites.

To report posted merchants:

To find and contact posted merchants:

To buy GRNC High Risk Restaurant Cards (preferred):

To download High Risk Restaurant Cards (if you are unwilling or unable to buy them):

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