Saturday, March 8, 2014

The $PLC Annual ‘Hate List” is Out and You’re Probably on It 

 The Despicable $outhern Poverty Law Center

Liberty Alliance, a group of more than 40 websites dealing with conservative causes, has made the Southern Poverty Law Center's annual “hate list.” Godfather Politics is associated with Liberty Alliance as are some of the most popular political websites in the world. Here’s a list of member sites associated with Liberty Alliance.

Unlike the folks at SPLC, Liberty Alliance is not in the fund raising business. We don't take money from people in the name of phantom fears.


  1. 1) How do I find out if I'm on the list?
    2) If I'm not, how can I correct this insult to my honor and integrity as quickly as possible? Is there a form I need to fill out?

    1. :) Years ago I sent them an email asking why there wasn't one of their little ole' red stars above Tarboro since I was a member of LS and they said that they had changed the rules and there had to be more than one individual for the designation. I wrote right back and said I was signing Dixie up and to please give me the honor. Never heard back, though! :)
