Monday, May 19, 2014

Police commissioner in NH resigns after calling Obama the 'N' word


A police commissioner in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, resigned on Monday under fire from town officials and residents after he called President Barack Obama the "N" word and refused to apologize, a police official said.

Police Commissioner Robert Copeland was overheard using the racial slur at a restaurant in the town in March and later admitted it in an email to colleagues, saying: "For this, I do not apologize — he meets and exceeds my criteria for such."

More @ Townhall


  1. When your right, you're right. Didn't Jerry Reed sing that?

    1. NO - Jerry said: "When you're hot, you're hot. When you're not, you're not!".
      Unless of course it was from one of his movie lines......

      And as a descriptor, the designation fits! I don't use that description for all people of that particular race, I do use it for its most reprehensible individuals. Don't worry, I have plenty of disdain for the worthless individuals of my race as well - and plenty of nasty names to call them to boot!

      Whitehall, NY

    2. I don't use that description for all people of that particular race, I do use it for its most reprehensible individuals. Don't worry, I have plenty of disdain for the worthless individuals of my race as well - and plenty of nasty names to call them to boot!

      Well said.

  2. Mine too.......... Posted.......
