Thursday, July 17, 2014

National Security, You’d Better Start Worrying: Your Life Depends On It!

Via Billy


When it comes to problems and threats facing the United States, as a former special operator and Air Force pilot, my heart lies with national security.  The destruction of our country from within is definitely happening, but will take time.  In today’s world of terrorism and weapons of mass destruction, a threat to our national security can manifest itself with devastating consequences in a very short period of time.  So who is minding the national security store and advising our Dear Leader?

Let’s start with the National Security Advisor, Dr. Susan Rice, who conveniently is married to an ABC News producer.  She served in various diplomatic posts during the Clinton presidency but State Department veteran Richard Holbrooke considered her “incompetent.”  She was instrumental in preventing the United States from dealing with the Sudan government when they offered to provide the U.S. intelligence on Osama Bin Laden’s location in the late 1990s.  But she is most famous for blatantly lying to the American people regarding the cause of the killing of a United States ambassador and four others in Benghazi, Libya.  Hopefully, Congressman Trey Gowdy’s investigation into this matter will finally provide the facts to the American people on what really happened that night.


  1. Dishonorable Rice should be relieved of her post, indicted, and tried for crimes against the country. High crimes and misdemeanors. She should be reduced to ashes. Figuratively speaking. Her Master should be hung. He has put this country in grave shape on both foreign & domestic fronts.

    1. Her Master should be hung. He has put this country in grave shape on both foreign & domestic fronts.

      & is becoming more evident everyday even to the brainwashed masses.
