Friday, September 26, 2014

The Ongoing War

Via Nancy


  1. If this isn't a wake up call, whites should be required to view this and learn, and apply those lessons. This is how the brown people view white. The comment "I am your master" in this short video is chilling. Never.

    1. Keep your powder dry, boys! Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition, of which we have plenty and can actually hit what we shoot at. :)

  2. The only people that are surprised are people not paying attention. Multiculturalism is a concept designed to fail from the beginning with a goal to instigate social unrest. In any society there can only be ONE culture. Now there can be many societies embracing a multitude of cultures. However, to survive and thrive, only one culture can exist in a society. Now the culture will change and grow as a society absorbs others from a different culture. The new culture will absorb a small piece of the new inhabitants. The new inhabitants will lost their own uniqueness and identify as part of their new society. America did this successfully for 200-years. As a new group of immigrants came to America one piece of their unique culture was Americanized. They dropped their old culture and became American. That was the “Great Melting Pot” that exemplified why America was the best.

    Multiculturalism is the death of what made America great. We allow immigrants to come here and not even learn English. Multiculturalism is simply a repackaging of what it truly is Balkanization. Balkanization is the division of a multiculturalism state into smaller culturally homogeneous entities. Historically these smaller regions are often hostile or non-cooperative with one another.


  3. They will never be my masters, nor of my children or grandchildren. We are laying in wait because we value life and liberty. We may be viewed as lazy or even apathetic, but I warn those who wish to take what we have. In defense of our families we will fight and we will leave those who wish us harm as nomore than a fabled memory of the past.
