Saturday, October 18, 2014

Bus driver accused of arranging white family's beating: Assault, conspiracy charges filed after mob of black teens attacks

A trial is looming in Baltimore for a black former bus driver charged with assault and conspiracy for allegedly arranging a black mob attack on a white family riding her bus.

Colin Flaherty, author of “‘White Girl Bleed A Lot’: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It,” explained the case in a commentary in American Thinker: “A black Baltimore bus driver organized a mob of 20 black people to assault a white family of three on her bus, which they did with gusto and pepper spray. All the while, the other black passengers hooted and hollered in encouragement.

More @ WND


  1. Can you imagine! This would be a leading nightly news story if a white bus driver had white students beat up a black family. Yet in the news reports no mention of color. Until there is honesty nothing can be fixed.


    1. Until there is honesty nothing can be fixed.

      I imagine I'll long be dead and buried if that ever happens.

  2. But it won't be treated as a hate crime. Watch.

  3. The last time I wrote on the subject, I got waylayed. By so-called Patriots! I just wish those fools the best. Especially when their naiveity predisposed them to share their survival space (and resources) with a group.of blacks like the ones on this bus. They can commiserate their wrong thinking after being warned, and after watching events like this. As they bleed out alone.

    1. share their survival space (and resources

      I'm not predisposed to share anything with anybody unless I already know and trust them.

    2. No doubt. I hope that those with their great tolerance on display today, will think likewise.

    3. Yes and they just need to use simple logic.

  4. And that boys and girls is why i never go anywhere unarmed.
