Sunday, January 25, 2015

"Is the only good Muslim a dead Muslim?"

Via Joe

 Clint Eastwood 0125

Clint Eastwood’s latest movie, American Sniper, has outraged many Muslims across the country. 

Now the President of American-Arab Anti Discrimination, Sameer Khalaf, has claimed the movie is flaming the fires of hate against Muslims in America.

Khalaf has demanded that Clint Eastwood and Bradley Cooper, star of the movie, appease ‘offended’ Muslims and issue a message stating:

“Arabs are Americans and Muslims are Americans"

 More @ Viral Buzz


  1. As a conservative Catholic, Hollywood has been offending me for a while, where is my apology?

  2. They made their beds.

  3. President of American Arab anti-discrimination league sounds like a good paying job. Do they fight all discrimination or only for Arab-Americans? Isn't that discriminatory?

    Shut up, white guys.

    1. only for Arab-Americans? Isn't that discriminatory?

      But not to a liberal.

  4. Don't want to be shown as animals, don't act and live like animals. Instead, how about an apology from their community to be bestowed to the "world community" for belligerency, ignorance and violence as adopted by an entire society.

    J Connlllr

    1. apology from their community to be bestowed to the "world community" for belligerency, ignorance and violence as adopted by an entire society.

      Fat chance.

  5. Who really care what this muslim believes or is offended by?

    Go back to where the muslims are the majority of the population.

    F#*k him!


  6. The fact that a hollywood movie offended some people is one issue.....who is offended changes as often as the name of the movie on the marquee......big deal.

    The true issue as questioned would be that regarding the premise of a whether there is such a thing as a "good Muslim".

    From the perspective of ALL non Muslims the answer is a resounding NO.
    Islam is by it's own admission 100% incompatible with all other beliefs, religions, creeds or political constructs. It's adherents are required to kill enslave or convert EVERYBODY.
    Due to that requirement to any rational person the only good Muslim is a dead Muslim just as the only good rabid dog is a dead rabid dog.

    1. Due to that requirement to any rational person the only good Muslim is a dead Muslim just as the only good rabid dog is a dead rabid dog.

      Good analogy.

  7. Anybody sympathetic to the Arab view had better be able to explain the Dung "Madonna" and the Piss Christ and the Arab destruction of churches and religious artifacts of other religions. The Arabs are no more rational than the purveyors of the global warming religion trying to destroy capitalism and liberty.

    1. destruction of churches and religious artifacts of other religions.

      Just criminal that all the ancient, Buddhist ones were destroyed.


      The Arabs are no more rational than the purveyors of the global warming religion trying to destroy capitalism and liberty.

      Another good analogy.
