Saturday, January 3, 2015

Rand Paul And Libertarianism Inc.’s Decay Into Anti-White “Anti-Racism”

Via Matthew

 How low can you go.......?


In a move condemned even by Jennifer Rubin, Rand Paul poses with Al Sharpton. So now it appears that House GOP Whip Steve Scalise did not after all speak to David Duke’s EURO group, although the news is disseminating suspiciously slowly [Steve Scalise spoke to civic association meeting, not white nationalist conference, David Duke adviser Kenny Knight says, by Julia O’Donoghue,, December 31, 2014].

This presumably means that the Main Stream Media will be thwarted, for now, in its obvious intent to spread the smear to Senator Rand Paul via his father [If you’re a politician and your chummy past with neo-Nazis resurfaces, don’t worry. Ask Ron Paul, by Jeb Lund, The Guardian, December 30, 2015]. But there can be no doubt that, if Paul had been brought under more pressure, he would have groveled. Perhaps the most ominous trend on the American Right today is libertarians’ adoption of prevailing “anti-racism” dogma, to the point where they can increasingly only be interpreted as overtly anti-White.

More @ VDARE


  1. Why do we allow our Enemies to define us and what we believe? I am not a racist, I am a Nationalist - that is, I believe in the sovereign Nation State. If that State has a dominate White European culture, what the bloody hell is wrong with that??? We have been conditioned to believe that because of our success we should be ashamed. We should "give back" to those who have done nothing to deserve it. The whole dialogue is one of lies and subterfuge. Anyone, including the libertarian Rand Paul who cooperates with this BS is not worthy of consideration as the Leader of our Nation State.

    1. The whole dialogue is one of lies and subterfuge. Anyone, including the libertarian Rand Paul who cooperates with this BS is not worthy of consideration as the Leader of our Nation State.

      Agreed and he was so promising, but definitely not his father's son.

    2. Wow! What Sioux said X 3. I fear the potential for rebuilding America as a national state is a task beyond comprehension anymore. The problem is the Globalist/New World Order mentality that is supported by the UN and anybody that supports the UN globalist efforts. I know what the brass ring looks like but its so far out of reach. It is by grand design that we are kept working poor, depedant on govt subsidies and at odds with one another. The other thing the world has led us away from (by design) is faith in God. We have been turned into a selfish Me Me Me society and are constantly trying to fill the hole in our hearts that faith in God once occupied. We the sheeple need to go back a few miles and take the other fork in the road or America as we love it is doomed.

    3. I fear the potential for rebuilding America as a national state is a task beyond comprehension anymore.

      Yes, secession of like parts.

  2. Looks photoshopped or Sharpton has full blown Aids pick one..


      They met and I'd go for the latter. :)

  3. I call them Ayn Rand Saul and Alvin Chipmunk Dullfeather.

  4. Remember this back in 2001 when Al joined a protest down in Puerto Rico supporting the Independence struggle - he lost a lot of weight during his hunger strike, which motivated him to continue to lose after returning to his 'pastoral' duties in America. Pastor Manning has stated on occasion that Al swings both ways - has a boyfriend now that his divorce is final, so AIDS is within the realm of possibility.

  5. That ought to just about end Paul's political career. Barf!

  6. We have neighbors who are black they have a shooting range in their back yard and we here them shooting every night. Don't think this just going to go away

    1. Hopefully, they're holding their weapons sideways........:)

    2. Ask em if you can join in on the target practice. Unless theyre douche bags you may end up with new friends. Or maybe not.

    3. Didn't think of that and you are exactly correct. Maybe they will turn out to be Patriots. :)

    4. I hope this wasn't the neighbors' motivation:

  7. Gotta love Pastor Manning...

    1. He's priceless. When I first started listening to him, I sensed there was something in common, but I had no idea what since he was in New York. Then I found out that he was born and bred in Red Springs, NC where my mother went to college at Flora Macdonald. :) Small world.

  8. Another photo of us negotiating, for no apparent reason, against ourselves!

