Wednesday, February 11, 2015

10 Natural Substitutes for Toilet Paper

Via avordvet

 Top Survival Blog

While not the most pleasant topic in survival circles, it is one that cannot be denied. When nature calls, you will answer the phone. It took humans about 400 years to realize that paper could be used for more than just taking notes, and the Chinese were the first to document what would be later called toilet paper in the 600s AD.  By the 1400s, paper was specifically manufactured and sold for anal hygiene, and the rest, as they say, is history.  Today, however, while many preppers are concerned with stockpiling TP for darker days, survivalists are happy to go with the flow and use what’s handy.

Like the old saying goes, if all you’ve got is a hammer, then see every problem as a nail.  While there are some who still believe that a pile of old Sears catalogs or phone book pages will be worth more than gold, the reality is that it isn’t a lack of toilet paper that will cause distress, but rather a lack of practical knowledge. Urban dwellers may have a different take on this topic compared to my list because your choices are based upon your surroundings. My take is wilderness-oriented. If you have urban knowledge about this topic please share it in the comments.

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  1. I would try to catch a cat.

  2. I hope the cat is de-clawed, theres a lot of sensitive area down there. If I were out of TP I would use newspaper articles with obamas picture on them.
