Saturday, February 7, 2015

Defense Contracting Map

Via Adam


This is my biggest map EVER! So check it out and pass it along to anyone who wants to understand where 25% of the Federal Budget goes. It really is mind-blowing! What I've got here is a fully fleshed-out map of the top ten defense contractors.

According to this article from Defense Procurement News, profits for these contractors are up. I would venture to say that profits have always been up for these companies since any of us can remember. We had the Cold War buildup, the Reagan buildup, and now the Islamic Terror buildup. It just keeps giving billions and billions of dollars to these contracting companies, who'll always get the money because the government owns a printing press called the Fed. Nice arrangement, huh? You see, the American citizen would get tired of all these wars a lot faster if there was butter rationing and tires were hard to come by.


  1. Omg this is brilliant... I'm going to see if I can swing a print out of this on my plotter at work...
    Kinda rough with the grey line links but still - this is awesome.

    1. Good deal and let me know how it comes out, please.
