Friday, February 27, 2015

ISIS thugs take a hammer to civilisation: Priceless 3,000-year-old artworks smashed to pieces in minutes as militants destroy Mosul museum

Via Susan

Extremists used sledgehammers and power drills to smash ancient artifacts at a museum in the northern city of Mosul 

Islamic State thugs have destroyed a collection of priceless statues and sculptures in Iraq dating back thousands of years. 

Extremists used sledgehammers and power drills to smash ancient artwork as they rampaged through a museum in the northern city of Mosul.

Video footage shows a group of bearded men in the Nineveh Museum using tools to wreck 3,000-year-old statues after pushing them over.

More with video @ Daily Mail


  1. Those should all be calculated and taken off of Obama's pension. In other words, he'll get nothing for about 2,000 years after he is gone from office. He is the cause of this.

  2. Nothing but common ghetto thugs. I hope they are history soon.
