Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Sharyl Attkisson: Hillary Must Be Hiding Something 'Very Bad'

Via avordvet

 Image result for Sharyl Attkisson: Hillary Must Be Hiding Something 'Very Bad'

"In my experience, there must've been some very, very bad or embarrassing things on there, because it appears as if she'd rather take the heat for the actions erasing the server at a time when she knew it was being sought by Congress and under Freedom of Information Act request, and probably lawsuits … than turn over what was really in them," she said.

"To me, this all points to Benghazi," Attkisson added. "There are things she didn't want to turn over and did not turn over – communications regarding the story that the administration most wants to go away, most wants to controversialize and most wants to say is a non-story. That's what it says."

The rest @ Newsmax


  1. i am going to guess it was the "deal" emails between her and the Libyans.

    In the deal, the Libyans would pretend to capture our ambasador and then trade him for a bunch of GITMO detainees. Obama wins by getting GITMO closed. Hillery wins by outing Obama as "negotiating with terrorists". But the Ambasador dies. So no deal. Cover story about the video was last minute thing to cover up the deal going bad.

    And yes, everyone believes she is that much of a cold hearted, Machiavelian, Bitch.

    1. Cover story about the video was last minute thing to cover up the deal going bad.

      You would think that they could have come up with something better.

  2. Ultimately, some hacker somewhere will unearth the truth. Then we'll find out just how bad she has been.

    1. I hope so, but if they are 100% erased, don't know.
