Tuesday, May 12, 2015

American Exceptionalism

Via Michael

There is a valid case to be made for American Exceptionalism.  In the international industrial community, which is where I have been these many months, it is understood that it takes several men of other nations to do the work Americans do every day.  This is not due to physical strength or intelligence, it is due to the work ethic bred into us by a pioneering instinct, it is an understanding that it will take a lot of work to make something out of nothing and we have the will and the persistence to get it done.

In other nations the caste system tells people who they will be from the moment of their birth, until the day of their death.  With that knowledge they lack inspiration, lack motivation and lack the individual vigor to take great feats upon themselves.  It is somewhat the same structure we abandoned when we broke from Great Britain.


  1. downeast hillbillyMay 12, 2015 at 8:05 PM

    I have attended 6 out of 7 PatCons, missing only the first. This one offered the most encouraging words I've heard yet, both from TL and the young man just home from India. Their words straightened spines and stoked fires in the belly.

    1- We ARE stronger than we know.
    2- With will and persistence, we CAN win out.
    3- Where WE are, IS America.

    It's going to be a long hard road, but that hardest first step is already behind us.

    1. This one offered the most encouraging words I've heard yet,

      Thank you and David thought this the best ever precisely for the reason you mentioned. Good to see you again and w'ell do it again in October!

    2. downeast hillbillyMay 12, 2015 at 8:28 PM

      I'll be there! If I can help in any way, please let me know.
