The city of Baltimore received over $1.8 billion from President Barack Obama’s stimulus law, including $467.1 million to invest in education and $26.5 million for crime prevention.
President Obama claimed last Tuesday that if the Republican-controlled Congress would implement his policies to make “massive investments in urban communities,” they could “make a difference right now” in the city, currently in upheaval following the death of Freddie Gray.
However, a Washington Free Beacon analysis found that the Obama administration and Democratically-controlled Congress did make a “massive” investment into Baltimore, appropriating $1,831,768,487 though the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), commonly known as the stimulus.
More @ The Washington Free Beacon
I'm a white man and I have a good relationship with the Sheriff's office. I have no dog in this fight. I think both Trayvon and the Gentle Giant got what what was coming to them. That being said, I'm really not buying the story about Freddie Gray breaking his own spine in the van. It may have been an accident, maybe not. The blacks in Baltimore certainly had a right to protest. Nobody had the right to torch the place.
ReplyDeleteAs I I've mentioned before, thy might say that the driver intentionally slammed on the brakes and Gray was injured because he wasn't in a seat belt.
DeleteSomebody forgot or intentionally did not buckle him in, but all six cops? Did the driver intentionally slam on the brakes or did someone in front of him stop abruptly causing him to stop? What did the other prisoner hear, if anything, in the van that made him think Gray was trying to kill himself? Hopefully, a thorough investigation will yield some answers.
DeleteSomebody forgot or intentionally did not buckle him in, but all six cops?
DeleteBut only one, as I remember is charged with that strange murder rap, so that's why I was thinking the way I did.
Did the driver intentionally slam on the brakes or did someone in front of him stop abruptly causing him to stop?
Don't know, but as I've said before, if there is nothing detrimental in the video of the unscheduled stop, then I don't see how any got charged
What did the other prisoner hear, if anything, in the van that made him think Gray was trying to kill himself?
I don't know anymore than has been reported. Thanks.