Wednesday, June 17, 2015

A Potential Rationale for Supporting Donald Trump

Trump is a mixed bag on the issues, but I find myself drawn to the guy’s candidacy for reasons that are hard to articulate. As an outside the mainstream voter, I might support a candidate because that candidate is the closest to me ideologically, and I want to send an ideological message. This is why I supported Ron Paul. Or I could support a candidate because I believe that candidate has the most potential to do real damage to the enemy, in my case the current ruling bipartisan regime. I am not endorsing Trump at this point, but if I were to support him it would be for the latter reason.

Erick Erickson explains my potential rationale very well here, although I don’t think he is condoning it. Trump’s campaign potentially represents the best way to poke a big ol’ thumb in the eye of the Powers That Be.


  1. I feel a Perot redux coming - let's face the sad truth that no one including The Donald can be trusted at all to do what his baloney rhetoric says. This isn't just about jobs and better war mongering, and he knows it. The Beast has grown too large and too violent to be easily put back in the Cage. These are all circus masters, not serious men/women who care about our nation's sovereignty and prosperity - just a cash cow for the NWO/Globalists, of which they are all card carrying members except for Ben Carson (who is a very smart good man, but not at all ready for this job).

  2. Erickson brings out some excellent points. I had many of the same thoughts and feelings when I heard Trump yesterday. One thing I believe will happen is that the other dozen or so republicans will implement Trump style campaigning where they actually name and attack issues. Not one of them would have risked offending someone or being perceived as being "mean spirited", but now that Trump has jumped in and tested the waters, many will follow. Then when the poll numbers come out showing most Americans favor and agreed with what Trump said, even more will adopt his style of speaking. Hopefully, some will offer solutions and actually follow through. I know this is wishful thinking. Until yesterday, I would have wagered the two nominees would have been Jeb and Hillary (which deciding which one to vote for would be like trying to decide which end of a sledge hammer handle would feel better being jabbed in ones anus). Now, I am not so certain.

    1. I guess I would still vote if Bush runs, but it would really be a waste of time. Talk about a low turnout if Bush is put forward.
