Monday, June 1, 2015

The Confederate Government Never Surrendered–and “Reconstruction” Continues

Via Billy

On Saturday, May 30, AD 2015, my wife and I attended a ceremony sponsored by the Sons of Confederate Veterans in Shreveport, Louisiana. It was to commemorate the fact that Shreveport, as the headquarters of the Confederate Army of the Trans-Mississippi, was the last Southern city to surrender when the shooting part of the War of Northern Aggression had concluded. The ceremony took place at the Caddo Parish Court House in Shreveport, in front of which stands a beautiful Confederate monument.

Quite naturally, the politically correct and professionally offended do not like this monument. It “offends” their progressive sensibilities. Had they been able to do so they would have carted it off to the historical trash heap long ago.


  1. "I didn't surrender, but they took my horse and made him surrender. They have him pulling a wagon up in Kansas I bet." Lone Watie (Chief Dan George) in The Outlaw Josie Wales.

    In my old age I have deconstructed. I make amends to the Lakotah Sioux for my Army's slaughter of them at Wounded Knee, SD. I have hung many ceremonial packets of NC tobacco on the cemetery fence where the frozen bodies of the women and children lie.

    1. You're a good man, Charlie Brown. :) Mark the first week on October of your calendar and no excuses this time. :)

    2. Being in the mountains of WNC in October and reading Of Time and the River is as much heaven as I'll ever want or need.

      "Now October has come again which in our land is different from October in the other lands."

      "“The ripe, the golden month has come again..."

      God willing. I surely am.

    3. Being in the mountains of WNC in October and reading Of Time and the River is as much heaven as I'll ever want or need.

      That will do it. :)

  2. Seeing the federal ensign is a symbol of Federal tyranny.

    1. I agree and only fly the Betsy Ross over the graveyard for my 3X great who fought in that war.

  3. Bobby Lee surrendered. We didn't.

    1. & even if his words at the Greenbrier were made up, though I think they weren't, he was not expecting what came after the war when he surrendered. His comment to Stockdale was well known at my military school (Greenbier) in 1959 when I first attended. Also, the"secret" bunker at the Greenbrier Hotel which was "discovered" in the 1990's was also well known back then. :)

      4. "Governor, if I had foreseen the use those people designed to make of their victory, there would have been no surrender at Appomattox Courthouse; no sir, not by me. Had I foreseen these results of subjugation, I would have preferred to die at Appomattox with my brave men, my sword in my right hand."
      General Lee to Governor Stockdale at the *Greenbrier, White Sulphur Springs, Summer 1870
      (*Where my military school, Greenbrier had its Final Ball each year. BT)
