Friday, July 17, 2015

City of Charlotte Removes Confederate Monument (Claims Only For Cleaning)

Via comment by Bob on 2 Confederate memorials defaced in Charlotte

In a move the proves govco thinks you're stupid, a Confederate monument in uptown Charlotte, has been "relocated to a city warehouse". 
The monument, erected by the Confederate Memorial Association of Charlotte in 1977, was located next to the old town hall and on City Hall property.
City spokesperson claimed the monument was being cleaned, but had no answer as to when the moumument would return or why sod was being laid by grounds crew where the granite stone honored confederate troops once stood. 


  1. We must be very careful not to offend any body. Oh! I'm sorry, except you Southern
    White, Redneck, Christian, Homophobic, Gun Owning, Bible Clutching, Conservatives.
    You don't count. What the Hell!!!! I suggest they keep poking that Hornets nest and see what happens? Of Course that is the whole idea. Any body that thinks we will make the next election without serious civil unrest, is brain dead.

  2. Know anyone who works for the city to verify the cleaning? Also, is the group who put it up still around? Betchya it's a ballless move to get rid of it.

  3. Just BS and everyone that I am knowledgeable of were cleaned on site.

  4. Some info on the monument.

  5. Information on the monument

  6. what's happening being put into place so rapidly shows preparation and organization....sounds bad to say but perhaps the set-up was/is to sacrifice those 9 in Charleston to drive stage 1 of the storm which we are currently experiencing which sets up stage 2 (next year, Bammy's last) so he can introduce slavery reparations in his victory lap.....what a plan....

  7. If it ain't put back, beat the hell out of that guy. Just say someone played the knockout game on him. Everyone will assume it was a black perp and ignore it. Those are acceptable.

  8. Make defacing a Confederate Monument a Hate Crime an a felony. Yeah, fat chance.

    1. It's just ridiculous. I wouldn't think of defacing a monument to warriors whether they be commies or whatever.

    2. Nor would I. We have lots of Yankee monuments at the battle sites in the South; we don't deface them. But we aren't anarchists.

  9. An update: July 16, 2015 -
    Defaced Charlotte Confederate memorials will be cleaned, returned to sites
    Here is the most troubling comment in the article: "As of now, the city plans to return the monument to its original location once it’s cleaned. But City Council will make the final call, the spokesman said."
    Don't count on it.
    Unless an unrelenting pressure of the council, by citizens in that AO
    occurs, that memorial is now gone forever.
    Even the (large) Silent Sam monument, which was also only vandalized
    with spray paint, was easily cleaned in place without removal:

    1. They evidently aren't clear thinkers or do not understand the reverence most Southerners hold for their ancestors. Maybe just stupid, but there already has been and there will be more blood in the streets if this slander/libel continues.

      7. "To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child. For what is the worth of human life, unless it is woven into the life of our ancestors by the records of history?"

      Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106 B.C.-43 B.C.

      19. "There was no surrender at Appomattox, and no withdrawal from the field which committed our people and their children to a heritage of shame and dishonor. No cowardice on any battlefield could be as base and shameful as the silent acquiescence in the scheme which was teaching the children in their homes and schools that the commercial value of slavery was the cause of the war, that prisoners of war held in the South were starved and treated with a barbarous inhumanity, that Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee were traitors to their country and false to their oaths, that the young men who left everything to resist invasion, and climbed the slopes of Gettysburg and died willingly on a hundred fields were rebels against a righteous government."

      The Rev. James Power Smith, last surviving member of Jackson’s staff, 1907

      24. A Federal surgeon at the battle of Sharpsburg:

      " It is beyond all wonder how such men as the rebel (sic) troops can fight on as they do; that, filthy, sick, hungry, and miserable, they should prove such heroes in fight, is past explanation - one regiment stood up before the fire of two or three of our long- range batteries and of two regiments of infantry, and though the air around them was vocal with the whistle of bullets and scream of shells, there they stood, and delivered their fire in perfect order; and there they continued to stand......"
