Friday, September 4, 2015

The Cost of Total War in the South


Chapter 29, on “Lives Lost,” in the newly released booklet, “Understanding the War Between the States,” reveals startlingly higher numbers of people who lost their lives as a result of the War for Southern Independence, especially among Southern soldiers, civilians, and blacks.   New scholarly works on these topics are the basis for these significantly higher figures.   I learned this in research for the writing of this chapter.

The traditional number of soldiers who died as a result of this epic War, 620,000 (360,000 Northern and 260,000 Southern) has been revised to 750,000 (400,000 Northern and 350,000 Southern).   An estimated 35,000 white Southern civilians died, numbers very seldom even considered in the costs of the War.


  1. Too bad that the Muslim's didn't manage to nuke NYC on 911. Even that would not have compared.

  2. Again? War in China. Makes it number four. No coincidence anymore.

  3. Oh, thanks. The website dated today and stated today. Sorry.

    1. No problem at all and thanks for sending links. I have noticed that website does stuff like this and evidently to increase hits. :)

  4. I have not used this site much but a bunch of them just came thru to my mail.
    I hate being scammed.

    1. If you mean this blog, as far as I know, you have to subscribe to it to be sent the daily recap.
