In the last two days, there has been support from literally all over the world for the rally in Roseburg, OR tomorrow, where patriots will tell President Obama that his presence and his anti-liberty gun-grabbing agenda is not welcome there. People have posted support from Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, and even Germany, where one commenter said “It happened here…it can never happen again.”
With any action, however, there are those who disagree, some vehemently. Even a few residents of Roseburg itself have voiced opinions that a rally is not wanted, saying they should be left alone to grieve in peace. If Obama wants to visit, they say, so what?
Here’s some truth that might sound cold and unfeeling, even though it’s not. I personally grieve for the families of Roseburg. I have lost loved ones. I know what that loss feels like, and it never goes away. My heart and my prayers go out to them. But the truth is, it’s about far, far more than the families of Roseburg.
It’s about an agenda that seeks the disarmament of its citizens so that it may have complete power and control. It’s about a government that will use any tragedy, any cowardly act, any ruse possible, to con the American people into giving up the last possible defense they have against slavery. It’s about a President who is literally using the people affected by this tragedy to bolster his push to disarm them. The tragedy of the shooting, and the deaths of those innocent souls, affect the people of Roseburg in ways we cannot fathom and do not dare to speak to. But the ripple effect of Obama’s visit, and the use of those innocents as currency, affects every single American. In fact, it will affect every single American who ever comes after us.
More @ The Patrick Henry Society
It’s about an agenda that seeks the disarmament of its citizens so that it may have complete power and control. ...EXACTLY!