Food and supplies can be sent to:
36391 Sodhouse Lane
Princeton, Ore 97721
C/o shawna Cox
Financial donations can be sent to:
Lisa Bundy
P.O. Box 1072
Emmett, ID 83617
Via David
Immediately release Dwight Lincoln Hammond, Jr. and his son, Steven Dwight Hammond from prison for time served.
Since Dwight Lincoln Hammond, Jr., and his son, Steven Dwight Hammond already served their original sentence and were released from prison, we see no reason for them to have to serve an additional length of time.The original judge in the trial (Judge Hogan) overruled the minimum terrorist sentence that is now being used as the justification for their reimprisonment. He wrote that if the full five years were required, it would be a violation of the 8th amendment (cruel and unusual punishment).
Sign @ We The People
Anyone sending anything to Oregon may be subject to an "material support to domestic terrorist" charge under the patriot act. It could result at best in civil asset forfeiture, and at worst a long prison stay. The feds are desperate to get both the III% and the Oath Keepers involved in this in any way that they can. The worst thing that ANYONE could do at this point is have any contact of any kind with this situation. You can bet that like WACO , patriot groups that show up to "bear witness" will be shone on national TV with a NAZI or confederate flag then gunned down like the "biker gang" in Waco. The BEST thing we can do is ignore this one. If we do it will fizzle. If we don't ignore it the feds get what they wanted in Oregon from the start, and don't have now,.. the III%.---Ray
ReplyDeleteNor do I.
DeleteFor years I have read all manner of blogs and abandoned three of my own. I know of no other blog so consistently excellent in addressing current reality as this one. In readind the Washington Post article cited here this week I found hundreds of comments on it and asked myself the old question "Why does a red rag get so much interest and feedback while the flagship blog, FreeNorthCarolina.blogspot posts totally pertinent material, often little or no comment?
I hereby designate Brock Townsend the first recipient of the Chief Dan George "Endeavor to Persevere" Award. I am in my 32nd year of not consuming any ethanol products but I well remember on returning from any shooting occasion, be it groundhogs, deer, turkeys, or paper with circles, the thrill of pouring from the triangular cross-section bottle of Grants Scotch and reading the label that called to me from my Scots ancestors "Stand Fast."
Brock epitomizes "Standing Fast" for me. I have been retired 27 years from working for a Fed contractor directing the manufacture of everything from igniter flake to Peacekeeper and Trident missiles. Now I don't trust the government that indirectly funds the retirement checks of both my fellow Rocket Scientist wife and I. Since reading Smedley Butler's classic "War is a Racket" I have called myself a retired Racket Scientist. Lost a lot of light-weight friends with that title change.
I don't believe the feds are ready to go war with the people or that the people are ready for war with the feds, nor that such is inevitable. We returned Monday from Christmas in Washington State. As we passed over Oregon in that Alaska Airlines plane I sent out a prayer for the noble occupiers at the wildlife refuge.
Fifty feet is the most I can walk. Family will not allow me to drive, but there are many ways to Stand Fast. In 2016 I will catalog and demonstrate as many as I can. I can stand up yet, albeit shakily on weak legs that once walked the trails of the Blue Ridge, the Great Smokies,and the Wasatch Front. I dedicate every step now to my 4IV father who slogged 81 miles in three days, in 1944, lugging a BAR, through the freezing mud of France into the Hurtgen Forest, from whence his Schmidt grand-fathers came. I'm 6'4" now down from 6'6" before four vertebra crushing falls over three years. But you know, I am standing on the shoulders of giants. Aren't we all? Endeavor to Persevere and raise a glass of anything with me to Brock Townsend and the host of heroes on whose shoulders we stand. Stand Fast!
Horace Smith, Jr.
NC State 1955
Now Horace, I suspect that you cheated and got back into that bottle of Grants Scotch before writing this, now fess up! :)Thank you for the kind words and what about your chances for the Spring PATCON which will probably be held the first weekend in June this year? We got to do it before our toes turn up! :)
DeleteI'm AA (Always Available." It's in the hands of my Higher Powers, God and my wife. Not the same entity. Heh.
DeleteI get high reading on your posts and stuff like the writings of John Randolph of Roanoke. Damn I would love to sit the Republican candidates down and lecture them on the Republican who always inspired me. He said "“Is it necessary for men at this time of day to make a declaration of the principles of the Republican party? Is it possible that such a declaration could be deemed orthodox when proceeding from lips so unholy as those of an ex-communicant from that church? It is not necessary. These principles are on record; they are engraved upon it indelibly by the press and will live as long as the art of printing is suffered to exist. It is not for any man at this day to undertake to change them; it is not for any men, who then professed them, by any guise or circumspection, to conceal apostasy from them, for they are there—there in the book…. What are they? Love of peace, hatred of offensive war, jealousy of the state governments toward the general government; a dread of standing armies; a loathing of public debt, taxes, and excises; tenderness for the liberty of the citizen; jealousy, Argus-eyed jealousy, of the patronage of the President.”
John Randolph of Roanoke
Where was it lost?
That was excellent. Thanks.
DeleteIs material support being allowed to reach these people?
ReplyDeleteI find it hard to believe that they aren't being 'quarantined'
by the feds et.al.
Yes the last I heard.
DeleteWe must indeed all hang together, or most assuredly, we will hang seperately.
ReplyDeleteBen Franklin
Must indeed.
DeleteThe whole point of this exercise was to get the Oath keepers and III% involved. It was a Federal set up from the git-go. With the intent on using the patriot act to hammer the "militias". The Feds knew everything about this "takeover" from the start of planning. This was meant to be a trap. And I stated the federal law correctly. ANY material support for these people could resort in asset forfeiture or worse. Under Patriot Act, NDAA, and the misnamed "USA Freedom Act" ANY "support" for these people is a de-facto act of "domestic terror", and the feds can hammer hell out of anyone involved without charge or trial. What the federal secret police lust for is the III% and militias to show up en-mass and concentrate in one place. The thing we COULD do that would actually be effective would be for patriot groups to stage protests in every state and disperse the enemy's forces, demonstrate the size and resolve of the "movement", and might actually get more people involved. Right now the Feds "own" this "standoff" in Oregon. They set it up and they control it. We could change that.-- This whole "standoff" isn't Waco, its the Oklahoma city bombing part II. Created and controlled by the Feds as a PSYOP.---Ray
ReplyDeleteANY material support for these people could resort in asset forfeiture or worse. Under Patriot Act, NDAA, and the misnamed "USA Freedom Act" ANY "support" for these people is a de-facto act of "domestic terror", and the feds can hammer hell out of anyone involved without charge or trial.
DeleteThey have been getting it since day one and continue to receive such. As mentioned above, people are allowed free entry/exit. More power to them.
What the federal secret police lust for is the III% and militias to show up en-mass and concentrate in one place. The thing we COULD do that would actually be effective would be for patriot groups to stage protests in every state and disperse the enemy's forces, demonstrate the size and resolve of the "movement", and might actually get more people involved. Right now the Feds "own" this "standoff" in Oregon. They set it up and they control it. We could change that.-- This whole "standoff" isn't Waco, its the Oklahoma city bombing part II. Created and controlled by the Feds as a PSYOP.---Ray