Sunday, February 21, 2016

Christian Broadcaster David Brody on Trump’s Win: Evangelicals Are Tired of Being Political Pawns

Via Billy

trump unions thumbs up

For months and months, Donald Trump has been exclaiming, “The evangelicals love me and I love them.” Well folks, tonight that love affair paved his way to victory in the all-important South Carolina Primary. 72% of the voters in South Carolina Saturday night with evangelical. Trump won 33 percent, of them. Ted Cruz won 27 percent, and Rubio won 22 percent. So let’s not kid ourselves here: Donald Trump is on his way to the GOP nomination and if he wins it, it will be because of evangelicals. Plain and simple.

Let’s have this thought sink in for a moment. Donald Trump won the evangelical vote in South Carolina. Let me repeat that. Donald Trump won the evangelical vote in South Carolina. Ted Cruz, the evangelical candidate did not. Marco Rubio, who speaks so eloquently about God didn’t either.

Both those men (Rubio and Cruz) are solid men who love Jesus. But it is Trump who has done the best job of channeling the anger of the GOP electorate and guess what? Evangelicals are upset with the Republican Party too. They’ve felt like cheap political pawns for years, constantly being used by the GOP to get out and vote and then having nothing to show for it.


  1. So the way evangelicals get even with The Establishment is to elect a pro-choice Progressive, a guy who supported Harry Reid instead of Sharon Angle? I don't get this at all...

  2. Is Trump perfect?...LMAO! If you have to the end Trump is the ONLY candidate who has stated with clarity and without equivocation he will deport the illegal invaders. PERIOD.

    The simple fact is that IF the illegals are ever granted "legal status", i.e. AMNESTY, what shreds of the republic are left will be erased leaving any and all future conservaitive candidates for President unelectable.

    If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result, then Mr. Trump is just about the only candidate who can be considered a sane choice.

    Average Joe

    1. Cruz got rid of his spokesman today, so we might be back to a possible Trump/Cruz ticket. eve
