Included in the link is a quote from a Trump book:
Quote: "Most importantly when it comes to the vast majority of Americans this is what Mr. Trump actually says at the end of chapter 7 of “Crippled America” and I quote:
“The government doesn’t belong in health care except at the very last resort. The main way the government should be involved is to make sure the insurance companies (not a top down, authoritative single payer health care system) are financially strong so that if there is a catastrophic event or they make some kind of miscalculation, they have the resources they need to handle it.”
Mr. Trump also says in the beginning of chapter 7 of “Time To Get Tough” and I quote:
“..we still need a plan to bring down health care costs and to make health care insurance (not a top down, authoritative Single Payer health care system) more affordable for everyone. It starts with increasing competition between insurance companies. Competition makes everything better and more affordable.”
I have been studying health care policy for 20 years now. I am also a multi-state licensed health insurance broker
who continues to operate in an increasingly less competitive and more
bureaucratically controlled system on both the federal and state level.
During the last 20 years I have seen a lot of changes in the U.S. health
care system. Some of them good (HIPAA) and some bad (Reagan’s EMTALA)
the PPACA a.k.a. “Obamacare” etc.
More @ Steven Tucker
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