Sunday, March 13, 2016

American Revolution 2.0


Unless you were fortunate enough to be hiding under a rock for the last twenty-four hours, you know that a planned Donald Trump rally in Chicago turned into a violent riot instigated by MoveOn, George Soros, Black Lives Matter and Bernie Sanders supporters.

What common factor do these groups share? They are all Leftist. As liberal democracy has spent itself into oblivion, debilitating its economies, and simultaneously made a series of horrible leadership decisions under leaders like Barack Obama and former Communist Angela Merkel, people have become desperate. And now their divisions are showing.

More @ Amerika


  1. Hi Brock,
    Funny thing you should mention that?? No I wasn't "under a rock" yes I caught the first "Blast!" At work, I started "Inquiring" if anyone knew any details......sure enough "NOBODY HAD A CLUE!!!" one person...."ME!!!" ...."GOD!!"................Everyone knew about "Chicago 1-9-6-8-!!!!!!" back when!!!!
    I put "Condition WHITE" to bed a long, long time ago.
    Got Gunz........OUTLAW!!!!!,
    skybill-loading mags!

    1. Everyone knew about "Chicago 1-9-6-8-!" back when!

      :) I remember I was back home on my first leave after extending for 6 months in Vietnam when the TV showed the riots. Daddy said, don't you think that's awful? Still being into only beer and girls, I said, that it was their constitutional right of free speech without even bothering to see anything but the brief TV screen until I was gone again in search of of the priorities of life. :)(

    2. I remember reading a long time ago that the 1968 riots were so bad that even Jules Fieffer hoped that Nixon would win the election.

  2. EoP v WiP NWO negotiations: Culture Change to EoP Honour Eco-footprint Shrinking Lifeboat Ethics? comment response to –- Free North Carolina: Trump Supporters v Black lives Matter: watching a Masonic Hungry Judas Goat Cannibal – My CapitalWar Penis is bigger than Your BreedingWar Penis -- conversation unfold –- is available at: EoP v WiP Negotiations: Transcript of Comments Correspondence [PDF / EoP-WiPCommCorr ]

    EoP: Ecology of Peace | WiP: Masonic War is Peace.

  3. Oh boy - this kind of revolution with these actors will turn bloody, immediately. there will be no talking, no exchanging of counter/differing ideas before things turn violent. It will simply be violence for the sake of.

    1. . It will simply be violence for the sake of.

      Theirs will, but ours just a violent, measured response in defense.

  4. Every rock they throw, every lie they tell, every quote they take out of context, Trump's numbers grow larger. And they stand there astonished that none of this works.

    Trump may end up being a lousy president, but I doubt it. It really doesn't matter though, because the tidal wave building behind him and because of him will be there long after he's gone. The giant is finally awake again, and he's pissed.

    1. He's way behind Hillary now, but there's a long way to go.

  5. There is an item over at Vox Days site that makes a pretty good case that this is the result of the social media corporatists and republican establishments recent meeting at Sea Island. It surely does have that smell.

    1. Excellent and thanks.

  6. 1968 Election - Chicago Convention:
    Looks like it was a wild ride.

    1. Thanks.
