Every week I read "The Week That Perished" over at Takimag [link]. I usually don't refer to it, because it's just a compendium of news items, though a very good and well-written such compendium, as you can see from the quote, and doesn't lend itself to reprinting or excerpts, but today's quibcag comes from it, and I want to refer you all to it. This particular quote particularly grabs me, because I'm originally from Indiana, and it also exposes the "hate" thing once again. Most Americans and most of us on the right don't hate anybody, but we're constantly accused of it. Why?
Simply because it's much easier to accuse someone of hate than it is to refute their arguments.
More @ Ex-Army
Migrants Attack 60 Minutes Crew In Sweden
Thanks and I'll post it after checking your others.